Topological conjugacy of 𝑛-multiple Cartesian products of circle rough transformations

It is known from the 1939 work of A. G. Mayer that rough transformations of the circle are limited to the diffeomorphisms of Morse - Smale. A topological conjugacy class of orientation-preserving diffeomorphism is entirely determined by its rotation number and the number of its periodic orbits, while for orientation-changing diffeomorphism the topological invariant will be only the number of periodic orbits. Thus, the purpose of this study is to find topological invariants of n-fold Cartesian products of diffeomorphisms of a circle. Methods. This paper explores the rough Morse - Smale diffeomorphisms on the n-torus surface. To prove the main result, additional constructions and formation of subsets of considered sets were used. Results. In this paper, a numerical topological invariant is introduced for n-fold Cartesian products of rough circle transformations. Conclusion.The criterion of topological conjugacy of n-fold Cartesian products of rough transformations of a circle is formulated.

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