Miseráveis, marginais e moradias

This article explores the symbolism wrapped in housing that as a social fundamental right contained in article 6 of 1988 Federal Constitution should include a minimum of dignified conditions for human disposition in such an environment in accordance with the requirements of General Comment No. 4 of about the right to adequate housing. It turns that in fact many housing are taken by inadequate, especially not jus for the place where they are located but for the economic and financial capacity that they show, so that the said finding of inadequacy and material differences become to be recognized in people that live there, in a kind of transfer naturally course conducted by social ideology linked to consumption. Thus within the problematic mooted seeks to expose the concept of adequate housing and its disposal in urban territory, so that the objective is to show how the incomplete realization of the right to housing favors a social-spatial exclusion logic that comes to recognize individuals for the their differences in economic power and not for equality as the only human condition. Then it is emphasized that the wretchedness and marginalization in continuous symbiosis with urban housing. Therefore the research is centralized following the deductive method in addition to the documentary and bibliographic research techniques.