The Property-Based Practical Applications and Solutions of Genetically Encoded Acetylcholine and Monoamine Sensors

Neuromodulatory communication among various neurons and non-neuronal cells mediates myriad physiological and pathologic processes, yet defining regulatory and functional features of neuromodulatory transmission remains challenging because of limitations of available monitoring tools. Recently developed genetically encoded neuromodulatory transmitter sensors, when combined with superresolution and/or deconvolution microscopy, allow the first visualization of neuromodulatory transmission with nanoscale or microscale spatiotemporal resolution. In vitro and in vivo experiments have validated several high-performing sensors to have the qualities necessary for demarcating fundamental synaptic properties of neuromodulatory transmission, and initial analysis has unveiled unexpected fine control and precision of neuromodulation. These new findings underscore the importance of synaptic dynamics in synapse-, subcellular-, and circuit-specific neuromodulation, as well as the prospect of genetically encoded transmitter sensors in expanding our knowledge of various behaviors and diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, sleeping disorders, tumorigenesis, and many others.
Funding Information
  • HHS | NIH | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NS104670)