Chola kings of Sangam period are so great among the Chera, Chola, Pandiya kings, Vēlir (Heads of small territory) and philanthropists of Puranānūru. Their reigns seems to include the special features of modern democracy. They reformed the forests, improved the water resources and gave a good governance to the citizens. So, they were praised as “the kings of water resources”, “possessors of paddy”, “Chola kingdom has abundance of rice” etc., relating to the richness of their country. As they nipped the enemies in the bud it self they were called ‘killi’; ‘chenni’ as they had the leadership qualities and ‘Valaran’, as they ruled an opulent country. To know the greatness of Chola kings in total, Cholan Nalangilli has been chosen, whose dignity has been sung in fourteen poems in Puranānūru. This is like testing with a single cooked rice, the fitness condition of the entire pot. Bringing out the facts about the rule of Cholas, their charity, sympathy, valour, bravery, administrative skills, patronage etc., are the objectives of the paper.