In today's world, there are several most authoritative international academic conferences in the fi eld of databases,such as vldb, sigmod, and icde, which provide a platform for discussion and exchange of database researchers,developers and applications, Guide and promote the development of database disciplines. We can see the hotspots oftoday’s database technology and discover the future trends of related topics from the researchers at these conferences.First, we analyzed the vldb and sigmod conferences in 2008, 2009 and 2010 accepted the core database technology onthe paper. We also cite the 'Observation on Database Research Trends via Publication Statistics' for statistics on thesetwo meetings from 1997 to 2006. We classify the paper into 28 classes, of which 22 are based on traditional databasetechniques and the other six classes are new categories that we added during the analysis. Then, we predicted that sixnew categories will be popular and become a new hotspot in the future, which is a major feature of this article. Finally,we analyze the trend of database technology hotspots in recent years, and deduce the development trend of futuredatabase technology.