The article is devoted to the problem of whole laying as a factor in the formation of the creative lifestyle of the future teacher. Scientific approaches to the study of the phenomenon of whole laying, and its impact on the development of future teachers, the formation of life meanings and style, personality development and the formation of professional self-awareness are considered. Lifestyle is the most general characteristic of the life of a given social group or individual, which highlights specific to this group or individual activities or life values. The time perspective of the future is a projection of the motivational sphere of a person and represents to some extent the hopes, plans, projects, aspirations realized by him, which are connected with the near and future. The formation of these plans takes place throughout childhood almost spontaneously, mainly as an internalization of parents' values, their expectations of a particular child and through the development of motivation. The time perspective of the future formed in this way acquires its own motivating force, which influences the further development of the child's personality. A life plan is not only a prediction of a possible future, but also a certain self-attribution, a definition of the tasks that a person sets for himself and which he must fulfill. From this point of view, the life plan is the most important means of self-education: a person creates the desired image of himself, the ideal self-model. Lifestyle is the most general characteristic of the life activity of a given social group or individual, in which specific for this group or individual activities or life values are highlighted [1, p. 41]. Since the specific features of the activity may be different, the classification of lifestyle may be different. It cannot be assumed that a person always lives life in only one style. There is a mixture of styles, and the transition from one to another. This is due to qualitative changes that occur with a person: the transition of age, social status, change of values. Thus, the development of their own lifestyle for the future teacher is one of the main creative tasks on the path of self-improvement.