According to the generalized and systematized results of the theoretical and empirical study of the problem, the conceptual foundations for the study of persons’, groups’ and minorities’ stigmatization in modern society are grounded within the application of the technological approach to the problem of socio-psychological support of minorities’ representatives experiencing stigmatization in different social and educational environments. The content of technologies for socio-psychological support of stigmatized minorities is specified in the context of understanding stigma as a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon that unfolds over time, manifests itself in situations of social interaction and is defined as both a process and a state that expresses both causes, result and its consequences. The list of the most stigmatized minorities in Ukrainian society and the list of psychological factors of stigmatization and conditions of its occurrence and distribution are specified. It is presented the understanding of the content of technology for socio-psychological support of stigmatized minorities and ways of its realization at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels on the basis of selection (depending on the target groups specificity) of forms, techniques, methods, means and influences aimed at enhancing tolerance, actualization of empathy and reflexivity mechanisms, social activity increasing in the representatives of stigmatized minorities, and their social well-being improving. There are defined the directions of support technologies’ application, depending on the target groups: prevention and overcoming of prejudices, prevailing in the society, tolerance increasing (implementation of destigmatization programs through the education system, and media); enhancement of professional competence of specialists in the system of socio-psychological service (training programs, seminars, etc.); socio-psychological work of specialists with people who have become the object of prejudice, and their closest social contacts (an increase of stigmatized persons’ self-esteem, correction of attributive style, which ensures their successful adaptation in conditions of stigmatization).