区块链技术具有多方共享与维护、动态存储、公开透明、高度信任、可追溯等特点,其是包含智能合约、分布式存储等技术的综合体。对于高等教学而言,因区块链不需中央权力机构或受信任的第三方来进行相应操作的协调互动、验证监管,区块链的智能合约、高度自治等为高等教学中的诸多环节提供了新的思路。 Blockchain technology which is a complex including smart contract, distributed storage etc. has a number of characteristics such as multi-party sharing and maintenance, dynamic storage, openness and transparency, high trust, traceability. For higher education, because the blockchain does not need the central authority or trusted third party to coordinate, interact, verify and supervise the corresponding operation, the smart contract and high autonomy of blockchain provide new ideas for a variety of process in higher education.