Keeping the Nubian identity of the Nubian houses by analyzing its interior design

Nubian immigration started when the High Dam was built, due to the high-water levels in it. The migration led to the loss of the Nubian character, so the state established modern housing to settle the Nubians, but the internal designs of the housing units of these housing are of a typical repetitive shape without taking into account the identity of the traditional Nubian residence, so the waves of displacement were considered Serious form on the interior design of Nubian houses. Therefore, the research aims to improve the interior design of the Nubian residence created through a methodology consisting of an analytical study on the interior design of the Nubian residence and an applied study on the interior design of a Nubian residence in the village of Karkar as a study sample in which the research deals with an accurate description of the current situation through the collection of information, field visits and personal interviews In the village of Karkar, and evaluation of the interior design of the Nubian house based on the methodology extracted from the analytical study and the identification of the defective elements and then presenting the results and suggestions of recommendations best suited to the development and improvement of the interior design of the Be the Nubian.