The Targeted Management (TEAM) Intervention for Reducing Stroke Risk in African American Men: Rationale and Study Design of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial

Background: African American (AA) male survivors of strokes or transient ischemic attacks (TIA) have the highest risk of recurrent stroke when compared to other racial-ethnic men. However, there is a paucity of evidence-based strategies, including organizational, educational, or behavioral interventions, that targets secondary stroke risk reduction in AA men. Methods: Targeted Management for Reducing Stroke Risk (TEAM) is an ongoing, 6-month prospective, randomized controlled trial that will determine whether a curriculum-guided self-management approach, using peer dyads (men who had a stroke or TIA and their care partners) will improve post-stroke care in AA men. Results: The study sample will consist of 160 AA men who have experienced a stroke or TIA within 5 years, randomized to TEAM or Wait-list control group. The primary outcome changes in systolic blood pressure (BP) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), while secondary outcomes include diastolic BP, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, and glycemic control for diabetics. We hypothesize that AA men in TEAM will have significantly lower systolic BP and higher HDL when compared to AA men in the Wait-list control group at 6-month. Conclusion: Persistent disparities for stroke burden in AA men highlight the need for novel interventions to promote secondary stroke-risk reduction. Building on promising pilot data, TEAM uses a group format, with a nurse and patient co-led intervention focused on AA men and family needs, practice in problem-solving, and attention to emotional and role management. In addition, the TEAM approach may help reduce stroke risk factors and health disparities in AA men.