An Efficient Road Surveillance Approach to Detect, Recognize & Tracking Vehicles Using Deep Learning Methods

In the current scenario on the increasing number of motor vehicles day by day, so traffic regulation faces many challenges on intelligent road surveillance and governance, this is one of the important research areas in the artificial intelligence or deep learning. Among various technologies, computer vision and machine learning algorithms have the most efficient, as a huge vehicles video or image data on road is available for study. In this paper, we proposed computer vision-based an efficient approach to vehicle detection, recognition and Tracking. We merge with one-stage (YOLOv4) and two-stage (R-FCN) detectors methods to improve vehicle detection accuracy and speed results. Two-stage object detection methods provide high localization and object recognition precision, even as one-stage detectors achieve high inference and test speed. Deep-SORT tracker method applied for detects bounding boxes to estimate trajectories. We analyze the performance of the Mask RCNN benchmark, YOLOv3 and Proposed YOLOv4 + R-FCN on the UA-DETRAC dataset and study with certain parameters like Mean Average Precisions (mAP), Precision recall.

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