Electronic Structure of Two New Bis-Schiff Base Ligands using DFT Method

Two bis-Schiff Bases 1 and 2 are ligands that can coordinate with manganese metal to form stable complexes and have biological activity. Thermodynamic parameters, HOMO-LUMO energy levels and FTIR spectra of two ligands have been computed using B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) functional of the DFT calculations. Both ligands are favored thermodynamically, and the ligand 1 has been shown to be more stable than ligand 2. The Polarizability values of two ligands have been investigated. The results refer that ligand 2 interacts earlier than ligand 1 to the metal ion. The FTIR spectra of two ligands have been evaluated. All results show the good agreement between the theoretical and experimental data.