Lisle’s aristocracy family: Economy «old» nobility or wasteful gentry?

The article discusses the sources of income, expenses and methods of doing business in the aristocratic Lisle`s family. Based on the correspondence of the Lisle`s spouses with their managers and financial agents, it is revealed that the greatest income for the family came from the lease of land, extraction of tin, timber and the fish trade. The position of governor of Calais, held by Lord Lisle, also brought income. However, the expenses of the family associated with caring for the manors, the need to endorse the status of an aristocratic family, the costs of maintaining and educating the children, as well as endless litigation over land ownership, significantly worsened the financial situation of the family. The author concludes that, despite the various sources of income and the very impressive amounts obtained from them, the Lisle family permanently needed money, for this reason Lady Lisle was forced to look for new ways to replenish the family budget.