This study aimed was carried out in order to determine whether third and fourth year students from nursing, midwifery and nutrition-dietetics department felt the control of their parents and the environment in premarital romantic relationships. The study population consisted of 1530 students studying at Aydın Health High School, Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition-Dietetic at Adnan Menderes University in the academic year 2015-2016. The sample of the study was determined by stratification sampling method and 310 students were included in the sample. In the collection of the data The questionnaire consisting of the questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of the students and the Social Control Scale Toward Engage In Premarital Romantic Relationship were used Descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis test were used in the evaluation of the data. 84.2% of the students participated in the study were women, 15.8% were male, 55.5% of them were in the nursing department, 26,8% midwifery and 17,7% nutrition-dietetics department and 56.1% of them were in their third year and 43,9% fourth year. 50.6% of the students stated that they stayed in the dorm, and 50.3% said that they had flirt.The students who participated in the survey that the average score of in the Social Control Scale Toward Engage In Premarital Romantic Relationship was 34.44±9.35. There were significant relationships among the total scale scores of university students and their gender, the class and department they attend, the presence of their dating relations, the longest living place and the economic situation of the family (p