Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was injected into the left eyeball of 3-week-old mice and it infected the retinal ganglion cells. The infection spread rapidly along the visual pathways to the postsynaptic neurons in the contralateral superior collicle (SC) and lateral geniculate body (LGB). The distributional pattern of the viral immunoreactivity indicated an anterograde axonal transport of the infectious material. A subsequent spread to the ganglion cells of the right retina further indicated retrograde axonal VSV transport. Within the retina the infection spread from the ganglion cells to the pigment epithelium. Although a transneuronal spread of the VSV infection was observed, no VSV budding from or uptake in synaptic membranes was demonstrated ultrastructurally in the retina or the superior collicle. In the retina virions budded from the perikaryal and dendritic plasma membranes of the ganglion cells as well as from the nerve cell bodies of the inner and outer nuclear layers, but not from the receptor segments. In the superior collicle budding was also observed from the plasma membranes of nerve cell bodies and dendrites. In contrast, the intraocular injection of Sendai virus caused a limited retinal ganglion cell infection, with no further propagation in the retina or to the SC or LGB.