Analisis Sentimen Customer Feedback Tokopedia Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes

Products and customers have a close relationship, therefore UMKM need to build good relationships with customers. The most common way that companies or UMKM do is to look at the reviews given, this is called customer feedback. The results of customer feedback to companies or UMKM can improve service and product quality. The problem that arises is how to process the many reviews given, especially reviews from marketplaces like Tokopedia. Therefore, a method is needed to see user reviews of the products being sold, whether positive or negative. The method that will be used is sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is the process of understanding and extracting and automatically processing text data and can produce sentiments that are displayed in a sentence. The steps taken were taking House of Smith customer review data at Tokopedia, manual labeling to get positive and negative data reviews, data preprocessing, TF-IDF weighting and classification using the Naïve Bayes algorithm. The results of sentiment testing using the Naïve Bayes algorithm with TF-IDF weighting quality accuracy of 83% with visualization of the distribution of words that appear the most are the words 'good', 'comfortable' and 'use' for positive reviews. The most frequent negative reviews were 'material' and 'thin' which indicated that some buyers felt that the product had a thin material.