Development of Vocational Programs Culinary Based on Competence of the World of Work

Every individual has the same opurtunity to get a job including the individu with hearing impairment. Individuals who can compete and survive in the world of work is someone who has competence and work attitude that are in sync with the necessary of the labor market. Based on preliminary studies there are many cases of individu with hearing impairment that can not survive in the world of work because of discrepancy in competence which are owned by graduates SMALB with the needs of the world of work so needed alignment between competence that taught in school with the needs of the world of work. In overcoming the problems then this study aims to develop the program vocational culinary for students with hearing impairment in SMALB-B which is relevant with the needs of the world of work food and culinary services. The research uses the method Research and Development (R&D) which performed with three step. Step one aims to explore the factual conditions about vocational culinary programs in SMALB-B and the needs of the world of work food and culinary services in Bandung by interview, observation, and study documentation. Step two formulating a vocational program culinary based on competence which required in world of work. Next, step three test the program vocational culinary based on the competence of the world of work on students 10th grade in SMALB-B by experiment. The result of this study are 25 competence form hardskills and softskills developed in learning activities culinary on the aspect of culture, aesthetics, technology, product, service, management, and creativity. Vocational program culinary based on the competence of the world of work is able to improve ability of students with hearing impairment in SMALB-B and infest necessary competence of the world of work in Bandung stretch in field service and culinary along product that able to fill a market.