Review of Consumer-to-Consumer E-Commerce Research Collaboration

This study uses a content analysis method to systematically review 83 research papers from 2002-2018 to explore consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce research trends. The findings of this study indicate that (1) C2C e-commerce is discussed and investigated in many disciplines, but mainly published in e-commerce journals; (2) studies on C2C e-commerce increasingly focus on diverse topics, but concentrate on regions such as China and the United States; (3) the focus of academic collaboration has shifted from domestic to international collaboration, and collaboration within the same institution. However, collaboration is scarce across different study teams; (4) the data-driven approach is the main approach used in studies on C2C e-commerce; (5) while the number of recent C2C e-commerce studies adopted theories is increasing, few have developed theoretical frameworks or models. Finally, study implications and future study suggestions are also discussed.