Analysis of national legal and institutional framework according to the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, signed on 25 october 2007, at Lanzarote Analiza cadrului normativ şi instituţional naţional prin prisma Convenţiei Consiliului Europei cu privire la protecţia copiilor împotriva exploatării şi abuzului sexual, semnată la 25 octombrie 2007, la Lanzarote Анализ национальных правовых норм и институций в соответствии с Конвенцией Совета Европы о защите детей от сексуальной эксплуатации и сексуального насилия, подписанная 25 октября 2007 г., в Ланцароте

Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation against children represent extremely serious forms of crime. These phenomena have long term harmful effects on victims, of physical, psychological and social nature. Their persistence threats the fundamental values of a modern society and the trust in state institutions.Actually, statistical data show that we assist at a significant increase of the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation case number against children and this fact should not be held in secret, but accepted as a painful reality.From the independence declaration of Republic of Moldova in 1991 to our days, governmental institutions and civil society made a lot of effort for the prevention and control of children sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. But there is still a lot to do in this area.The intervention of the Govern of Republic of Moldova is needed both at legal and law enforcement levels. A mechanism should be implemented that will contribute in an effective manner to the detection of all the cases when a child suffered from a sexual abuse or sexual exploitation.The recent Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, signed on 25 October 2007 at Lanzarote represent, without doubts, till now, the highest international standard in this area.Lanzarote Convention should be seen as a multispectral international act. It represents the result of requirements to draft an international comprehensive tool, focused on prevention measures, protection and elements of criminal law to act against all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children and on laying down a special monitoring mechanism. The Convention does not only impose the obligation of establishing criminal responsibility for some acts that threat the social relations for normal psychological and sexual development of minors, but also reflects other aspects that are not less important. It stresses that implication of private sector, media and civil society are extremely important, because only the efforts of public authorities are not sufficiently effective to counteraction against phenomenon of exploitation or sexual abuse of children. The Convention calls the Parties to fortify international cooperation in this area and take all the necessary measures.Due to these important reasons, the Republic of Moldova signed the Lanzarote Convention and, in compliance with the objective no. 72 of National Program for implementation of Actions Plan Republic of Moldova – European Union in the area of visa regime liberalization, approved by the Governmental Decision no. 122 of 4 March 2011, it is to be ratified till the end of 2011, being one of the first states which manifested political willing to contribute to the prevention and control of this issue in the society.The general objective of the present article is to reveal in current national legislation the stipulations requiring to be amended according to the above mentioned Lanzarote Convention in order to assure a high level of security through prevention measures and control of crimes of sexual abuse against children and their sexual exploitation and, respectively, to draw a list of conclusions and proposals to that effect, including de lege ferenda suggestions.Сексуальное насилие и сексуальная эксплуатация в отношении детей представляют собой чрезвычайно серьезные формы преступности. Эти явления имеют долгосрочные вредные воздействия на жертв, физического, психологического и социального характера. Их присутствие угрожает фундаментальным ценностям современного общества и доверию к государственным институтам.В наше время, статистические данные показывают, что наблюдается значительное увеличение случаев сексуального насилия и сексуальной эксплуатации в отношении детей, и этот факт не должен быть удержан в секрете, но признан как болезненная реальность.С провозглашения независимости Республики Молдова в 1991 г. до наших дней, государственные учреждения и гражданское общество сделали много усилий для профилактики и борьбы с сексуальной эксплуатацией и сексуальных надругательств в отношении несовершеннолетних. Но многое еще нужно предпринять в данной области.Вмешательство Правительства Республики Молдова необходимо, как на законном, так и на практическом уровне. Требуется привести в исполнение механизм, который будет способствовать эффективным образом обнаружению всех случаев, когда ребенок пострадал от сексуального насилия и сексуальной эксплуатации.Конвенция Совета Европы о защите детей от сексуальной эксплуатации и сексуального насилия, подписанная 25 октября 2007 г., в Ланцароте является, без сомнения, самым высоким международным стандартам в этой области.Ланцаротскую Конвенцию нужно...