2019-nCoV: Measures Adopted at the Departments of Oral Surgery and Radiology during the Period of an Uncontrolled Transmission Increase

A new mutation of 2019-nCoV emerged and has been spreading worldwide. Dental practices are an important person-to-person transmission route. In this regard, preventive measures are required to avoid the cross contamination among professionals and patients. This report brings recommended measures for dental assistance during the pandemic phase. The clinical protocol applied at the Department of Oral Maxillofacial and Surgery, such as at the Department of Radiology, Hospital University Münster, is described. A management protocol was applied to prevent the transmission route of 2019-nCoV. Patients infected with 2019-nCoV are treated only in emergency situations. The use of protective equipment and dental office isolation were the major points to avoid the contact between infected and non-infected patients. Preventive measures should be taken in order to reduce the spread of 2019-nCoV infection.