Enhanced direct-drive implosion performance on NIF with wavelength separation

Cross-beam energy transfer (CBET) can significantly affect the energy coupling and symmetry of direct-drive implosions. We report on a series of direct-drive shots with 2.1 mm outer diameter capsules conducted on NIF for diagnostic development and calibration in which the wavelength separation ( Δ λ ) between the inner and outer cone beams was varied. We observe a strong improvement in performance as Δ λ is applied, with the nuclear yield increasing by up to a factor of 4 × . Other data including the nuclear bang time and implosion symmetry suggest that increasing Δ λ suppresses CBET and improves both the energy coupling and drive symmetry. These results provide a strong and important benchmark for CBET models applicable to direct-drive ignition designs.
Funding Information
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DE-AC52-07NA27344)
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DE-NA0001808)

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