Yoghurt merupakan salah satu produk olahan susu yang memiliki umur simpan yang relatif singkat yaitu 2-3 minggu pada suhu dingin. Kondisi penyimpanan yoghurt pada suhu dingin membatasi distribusi yoghurt. Pengolahan yoghurt powder merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dilakukan untuk mempertahankan kualitas yoghurt selama proses distribusi dan penyimpanan. Pengeringan yoghurt menggunakan metode spray drying dengan teknik enkapsulasi mampu menghasilkan yoghurt powder dengan karakteristik kimia dan mikrobiologi yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan bahan pengkapsul terbaik yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan yoghurt powder susu sapi dan susu kambing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa susu skim merupakan bahan enkapsulan yang paling baik dalam pembuatan yoghurt powder susu sapi dan susu kambing karena menghasilkan nilai gizi yang lebih tinggi dan dapat mempertahankan viabilitas bakteri asam laktat selama proses pengeringan. Nilai gizi yoghurt powder susu sapi kadar protein 24,25 %, kadar lemak 5,74% dan calcium 8,22 ppm. Nilai gizi yoghurt susu kambing kadar protein 26,89 %, kadar lemak 8,21 % dan calcium 9,60 ppm. Penurunan total viabilitas bakteri asam laktat yoghurt powder dengan bahan enkapsulan susu skim lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan gum arab dan maltodekstrin. Yoghurt powder susu sapi mengandung total BAL sebesar 12,23 log CFU/g atau turun sekitar 4,01 log sedangkan yoghurt powder susu kambing mengandung total BAL 12,54 log CFU/g atau turun 4,5 log. Encapsulation in yogurt powder processing with spray drying menthodYogurt is one of dairy products with relatively short shelf life, 2-3 weeks in cold temperatures. Conditions for storing yogurt in cold temperatures limit the distribution of yogurt. Processing of yogurt powder is an alternative way to maintain the quality of yogurt during distribution and storage. Drying yoghurt using spray drying method with encapsulation technique is able to produce yogurt powder with good chemical and microbiological characterics. This study aims to determine the best encapsulating material that can be used in making cow milk yogurt powder and goat milk yogurt powder. The experiment was set up in compeletely randomized design with basic materials (cow milk and goat milk) and encapsulant (maltodextrin, arabic gum and skim) as treatments and repeated three times. The results showed that skim was the best encapsulant in making cow milk and goat milk yogurt powder because it produced higher nutritional value and could maintain the viability of lactic acid bacteria during the drying process. Nutritional value of cow milk yogurt are protein content 24.25%, fat content 5.74% and calcium 8.22 ppm. Nutritional value of goat milk yogurt are protein content 26.89%, fat content 8.21% and calcium 9.60 ppm. Decrease in total viability of lactic acid bacteria yogurt powder with skim lower than arab gum and meltodextrin. Cow milk yogurt powder contains total lactic acid bacteria 12.54 log CFU/g go or decrease 4.5 log.