The Peril of Acid Attacks in India and Susceptibility of Women

Acid attacks on women have become the most burning area and are considered to be the most nastiest and the most atrocious kind of violence committed on weaker sex. It is the thoughtful and pre-mediated use of acid on another human being for no blunder on her part. Reasons could be easy accessibility of acid, male-domineering and male-dictating society, antagonism, scorned and disdained lovers, etc., to name a few. Cases on acid attacks are mounting, swelling and escalating like anything. The perpetrators do not realize the consequences of such menacing, ominous and looming attacks on innocent victims and throw acids on them, distorting their face, limbs and different parts of body. It is high time now. Something stringent needs to be done to curb this evil in our society. Otherwise it will be too late, and innocent creatures on this earth will continue to suffer for no fault of theirs. The authors would be dealing with various facades, legal remedies and compensations dealing with acid attacks in the present society.