A Review on Medicinal and General Importance of Ficus Bengalis Tree

Ficus Bengalis is also called banyan tree it is used as medicinal tree since antique times. The discriminative names of banyan tree are given by British scientist a lot of people & traders used to assemble for the purpose of business Fichus tree is recognized as National Tree. The meaning of Ficus is fig and bengalensis means belonging to or is of Bengal. To the lot of Indians it is motivating and embodies most of three Gods of Hindus. The bark of banyan tree embody Lord Vishnu, the roots of this tree represent lord of Brahma and Siva the branches. Since Vedic times its small branches are used in Yajiia (a sacrificial rite) and known for its giant structure. Which was hig enough to shelter his whole army of 7,000 men? As per Some Veda banyan tree checks the environmental pollution and one of the source of Lfiksfi (Lac). Its medicinal importance as well as documented in Ayurvedic literature. In the various researches needs for understanding the medicinal value of Banyan tree.