Sensitivity of magnetic resonance tomographic angiography for detecting the degree of neurovascular compression in trigeminal neuralgia

Purpose Neurovascular compression (NVC) is hypothesized to be the main pathogenic factor of trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Microvascular decompression (MVD) has become a popular surgery for TN, and the success rate depends on the degree of NVC. As the routine examination before MVD, magnetic resonance tomographic angiography (MRTA) shows high sensitivity for detecting NVC. However, there are no reports on the sensitivity of MRTA for assessing the degree of NVC. Methods This study aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of MRTA for determining the degree of NVC by comparing preoperative MRTA and intraoperative endoscopy findings. A total of 480 patients who suffered from TN and underwent MVD were included. Their preoperative MRTA and intraoperative endoscopy findings were reviewed. The kappa test was used to identify similarities between the MRTA and endoscopy findings. Results The degree of NVC on preoperative MRTA was similar to that on endoscopy (kappa = 0.770). The number of offending vessels according to preoperative MRTA was coincident with that according to endoscopy (kappa = 0.722). Conclusion MRTA had high sensitivity for detecting not only the presence of NVC but also the degree of NVC.
Funding Information
  • Clinical research MDT project of Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (201701018)
  • Key biological and pharmaceutical projects of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (16411953300)
  • Science and Technology Planning Project of Shenzhen Municipality (YG2016QN06)

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