The Redif Barracks situated in Vezirköprü district has served as a barracks, school and public Education center since it was constructed. It is one of the rare examples of non-domestic civil architecture and it is important to sustain that. Aim: To determine the current features to protect, and to refunction the sustainability of the Redif Barracks which was used as a public Education center but evacuated recently and which faced malpractices. Method: The size was measured through modern techniques and building surveys were made. Thus, deterioration and problems with the structure were determined. Dating of the structure was made after a thorough literature review. While making suggestions on restitution, protection and functioning decisions were made. Findings: It was found that the post structure has been used up to today by various functions and has faced structural differences. It was also found that the post faced deteriorations by natural, human-driven and atmospheric causes. It was determined that the deterioration process accelerated since the structure was abandoned. It was concluded that the structure can be sustained by providing a new function suitable with its features and location. Conclusion: When the researches about the Redif Barracks were examined, it was determined that there was no mention of a barracks in Vezirköprü. To reverse the deterioration process of the structure which was documented through measurements, it is important to interfere. Therefore, it is understood that the structure should be kept alive by giving it the right function.