抽样调查是应用统计专业重要的专业课,在经济全球化和教育国际化的当下时代,双语教学是一种双赢式的教学形式,另外思政教育是培育高素质、全方面人才的重要路径。本文首先讨论了抽样调查双语课程的课程思政的必要性和可行性,接着讨论了抽样调查课程的思政建设。 Survey Sampling is an important specialized course of Applied Statistics. In the current era of economic globalization and educational internationalization, bilingual education is a win-win teaching model; in addition, ideological and political education is an important approach to cultivate high-quality and all-round talents. This paper first discusses the necessity and feasibility of ideological and political on bilingual course on Survey Sampling, and then discusses the ideological and political construction of the sampling survey course.