The aim of our study was to analyze the gender and age peculiarities of the experience of privacy and to find out the specifics of frustration reactions to privacy violation. Methodologically, the study is based on scientific approaches to the psychology of privacy (due to the works of I. Altman, A. Gill, S. K. Nartova-Bochaver); as well as on a gender approach. The severity and intensity of the person’s frustration reaction to the privacy violation are related to the gender and age characteristics. Feminine gender roles dictate higher tolerance of privacy violations and higher tolerance of this frustration than masculine. The results of the empirical study showed that forced violations of privacy in homes during quarantine (spring 2020) caused a high level of subjective discomfort in those diagnosed with a high level of masculinity and much less in those diagnosed with a high level of femininity. The peculiarities of frustration from privacy violations change with age. In childhood, spatial boundaries are formed gradually, depending on separation from parents. Teenage age and adolescence provide greater tolerance for privacy violations than adulthood. Elderly people have, on the one hand, a high commitment to privacy, and on the other – compensatory behavior due to the experience of loneliness (violation of someone else's privacy). The limitations of the study are related to the possibility of collecting empirical data at the end of quarantine in the spring of 2020. The results of the study can be used in the development of 1) psychological recommendations for the implementation of spatial restrictions (for example, during quarantine measures); 2) prevention of conflicts provoked by privacy violations. The prospect of further research on the problem of frustration reactions to privacy violations is to define «normative» models of spatial behavior for different gender cultures and subcultures.