Making and Presentation of "Mooghurt" as a Healthy Drink to Improve Health Quality

Mooghurt is a trademark of fermented cow's milk similar to yoghurtyang made by the KWU unit of the Student Association majoring in Biology FMIPA UNP. Mooghurt is a biotechnological product of fermented milk that is beneficial for improving the health of the digestive tract, reducing cholesterol in the blood, and stimulating the nervous system. Fresh cow's milk as the main raw material for mooghurt is obtained from the city of Padang Panjang. Padang Panjang is one of the centers of good quality cow's milk production in West Sumatra. Cow dairy farm products in Padang Panjang provide business opportunities for the surrounding community, including the academics of Biology FMIPA UNP in increasing student entrepreneurial spirit. The process of making Mooghurt consists of: 1) making a starter; 2) making mooghurt; 3) manufacture fruit extracts or jellies to complement the presentation.