Factors Impacting Management of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (BCRL) in Hispanic/Latina Breast Cancer Survivors: A Literature Review

Introduction: Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a treatment sequela with negative physical and psychological implications. BCRL is a lifetime concern for survivors and is currently incurable. With the increase in the Latino population in the United States, it is critical for the cancer care community to address factors that increase BCRL risk and negatively impact long-term quality of life. This literature review undertook to identify successful intervention strategies for BCRL among Latina survivors. Methods: Multiple databases were searched for published articles from 2006 to 2020. PRISMA guidelines were utilized. Data were extracted related to physical activity, diet, and psychosocial stress concerns of Latinas at risk for or living with BCRL. Results: Eleven interventions combined education and skill-building techniques to address physical activity, diet, and stress management for BCRL. Family involvement, peer-mentoring, culturally tailored education, and self-care skill development were identified as important for Latina survivors. Conclusion: Latina survivors may benefit from culturally tailored BCRL education programs and self-management interventions. Health care professionals and researchers should consider cultural influences when developing clinical intervention strategies to enhance outcomes for Latinas at risk for living with BCRL. In addition, including family members and/or peers in such strategies may be helpful to Latina survivors.
Funding Information
  • University of Missouri (Sinclair PhD Fellowship)