Analisis Sentimen Produk Kecantikan Jenis Serum Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Classifier

The increased consumption of beauty products as a lifestyle has increased public opinion on the beauty products used. Generally, reviews are given through posts on social media. This study discusses the classification of sentiment analysis on the use of serum beauty products on Twitter using the Naïve Bayes Multinomial algorithm. Sentiment analysis of serum beauty products is carried out to provide information and preferences to the public regarding the quality of a product. The results of the information and preferences become a reference for consideration in choosing the appropriate serum beauty product. The data used in this study were 27,587 tweets using three keywords, namely "serum," "face serum", and "beauty serum". Tweet data is divided into training data and test data with the number of training data as much as 22,070 tweets and test data as much as 5,518 tweets. The data is categorized using the lexicon senticnet 7 dictionary based on polarity values. The results of the analysis of positive sentiment are 35%, negative sentiment is 63.8%, and neutral sentiment is 1.2%. The classification results using Naïve Bayes Multinomial obtain the highest accuracy value of 80%. The Confusion Matrix results get the highest precision value of 88%, the highest recall of 81%, and the highest f1-Score of 86%.