超声检查是目前鉴别诊断甲状腺相关疾病的首选影像学检查方法。二维灰阶超声和彩色多普勒超声因其操作简便、价格便宜、可重复性强等优点是目前诊断甲状腺相关疾病最常见的检查方法,但也存在其局限性。随着现代应用技术发展,影像学检查技术也不断进步,超声弹性成像、三维成像、超声造影等更多新型影像学检查技术因其可弥补常规超声的缺点,正逐步被应用在临床诊断上。该文对现有甲状腺结节性质判断的主要的超声检查技术及其目前应用进展情况进行综述,为临床上判断甲状腺结节性质提供更多可靠依据,尽量避免不必要的有创检查及手术,同时筛查出恶性甲状腺结节,及早实行相应干预措施。 Ultrasonography is currently the preferred imaging examination method for the differential diagnosis of thyroid related diseases. Two-dimensional gray scale ultrasound and color Doppler ultrasound are the most common examination methods for the diagnosis of thyroid related diseases due to their advantages of simple operation, cheap price and strong reproducibility, but they also have their limitations. With the development of modern application technology, imaging examination technology has been continuously improved. Ultrasound elastography, three-dimensional imaging, contrast-enhanced ultrasound and other new imaging examination techniques have been gradually applied in clinical diagnosis because they can make up for the shortcomings of conventional ultrasound. In this paper, the existing of thyroid nodule properties determine the main ultrasound technology and its current application progress were summarized, and provide more reliable basis for clinical judgment thyroid nodule properties, avoid unnecessary invasive examination and operation, screening out the malignant thyroid nodule at the same time, the corresponding intervention measures as early as possible.