Tourism development can stimulate an increase in the number of tourist visits to tourist destinations. The benefits and advantages of tourism development can be felt from an economic, socio-cultural and environmental perspective as well as an alternative to poverty alleviation. Tourism village is a tourism product with cultural value by considering carrying capacity factor. Tourist villages with the principle of carrying capacity are considered.  Tourist villages with the principle of carrying capacity are considered suitable to meet tourism needs during the pandemic. Sukajadi Village is one of the villages located in Bogor Regency. Sukajadi Village has natural potential and strong cultural elements. In addition to local uniqueness, tourist villages must be able to adapt quickly to global developments, especially during a pandemic like today. Tourism villages with the CHSE principle are able to accommodate health protocols so that tourists can feel safe when visiting. The Sukajadi Tourism Village community does not yet have the competence, knowledge, awareness, and motivation to go to a CHSE-based tourism village. Based on these facts, the socialization of the implementation of CHSE in the Sukajadi Tourism Village was given to the village community and Pokdarwis. The outcome of this activity is to increase the competence, knowledge, awareness, and motivation of the village community to jointly coordinate, integrate, and synchronize through a commitment to involvement, communication, and leadership in building a CHSE-based tourism