This study aims to find out: (1) Differences in mathematics learning outcomes between those using powerpoint media and without powerpoint media; (2) Differences in mathematics learning outcomes between students who have high creativity and low creativity; (3) Interaction between the use of learning media and creativity on the mathematics learning outcomes of class XII students at Pandeglang MAN. The findings of this study are: 1) The results of Qcount test> Qtable (17.95> 2.86) indicate that there is an influence between the use of media on student learning outcomes; 2) The results of the Qcount test> Qtable (7.93> 2.86) indicate that there is an influence of differences in creativity on student learning outcomes; 3) Anova test shows that the calculated F value is 4.36 and Ftable 4.11 with df = 0.05, indicating that there is an interaction between learning media and creativity towards student learning outcomes.