Evaluation of motor transport enterprise investment potential

In the present circumstances, increasing of the motor transport enterprises efficiency contributes to the growth of its own competitiveness, has a significant influence on the competitiveness of their counterparties and the general level of competitiveness of the country's economy too. Therefore, the issue of improving the methods of evaluation of motor transport enterprises efficiency and search for new approaches of measuring of their investment potential is relevant. The purpose of the article is to develop economic and mathematical methods for evaluation of motor transport enterprise investment potential. The approach to generalizing the system of indicators for evaluation of motor transport enterprise investment potential was developed in the article. Procedure for conducting an investment potential analysis is based on the calculation of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the efficiency of motor transport enterprises activity. Function of desirable is the main tool of this methodological approach, that is complemented by the integrated coefficient calculation and using an objective-structural approach to reduce the subjectivity of non-formalized indicators. The proposed integrated indicator of the motor transport enterprise investment potential level gives an opportunity to comprehensively approach to an activity efficiency and enterprise management evaluation and identify the individual processes that need to be improved. Realization of the developed measures gives an opportunity to increase the overall efficiency of a motor transport enterprise management and increase its investment attractiveness for potential investors.