长期暴露于高压环境下将影响大脑中具有调控情绪、行为表现的单胺类神经传导物质如多巴胺和血清素的浓度。精神益生菌被认为可在肠道中刺激神经传导物质的产生,再经由脑肠轴线的途径而对心理或行为方面产生正面有益的帮助,因此可利用身心压力的方式诱导类忧郁发生的模式来进行精神益生菌的筛选作业。在实验中,选用了ICR小鼠进行益生菌喂食两周后执行两周禁锢之测试,区分为禁锢组(RS)与乳酸菌补充之组别。比较每日管喂1.0 × 109 CFU乳酸菌株对禁锢鼠产生的影响。实验结束后牺牲小鼠,检测脑部中多巴胺与血清素的浓度,发现摄取GKF3四周后的小鼠脑中多巴胺与血清素显着的增加(p Long-term exposure to stress can affect the concentration of monoamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) in the brain which is linked to certain symptoms of depression. Psychobiotics, the probiotics which stimulate the neurotransmitters via gut-brain axial and benefit the mental health, were screened by the stress-induced depressive-like behavior in mice. Twen-ty-five ICR mice were divided into five groups as follows: restraint-stressed group (RS), RS+ probi-otics Lactobacillus plantarum GKM3 group, RS+ probiotics L. reuteri GKR1 group, RS+ probiotics L. fermentum GKF3 group, and RS+ probiotics L. plantarum group (isolated from a commercial prod-uct). After two weeks of probiotics consumption at dosage 1.0 × 109 CFU/mice/day, mice were im-mobilized in restrainers for two hours once a day for two weeks. The probiotics strain GKF3 was se-lected as shown significant increases in levels of DA and 5-HT in the brain after four weeks of the experiment (p < 0.05). These results suggested the potential applications of psychobiotics, L. fer-mentum GKF3, in the prevention of depression-related brain diseases.