Manajemen Tenaga Pendidik SDIT Mutiara Cendekia Lubuklinggau

This study aims to know the planning, implementation, control and evaluation of educators in SDIT Mutiara Cendekia Lubuklinggau. This research uses qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive method. The subjects consisted of principals, teachers and staff boards, guardians of SDIT Mutiara Cendekia Lubuklinggau. Data collection consists of observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis techniques include editing, categories, display of data and interpretation. The conclusion of this research is 1), the planning of SDIT educator Mutiara Cendekia Lubuklinggau run well that is recruiting educator by selecting administration of job application file and reading ability test of alQuran as well as micro teaching test, 2) implementing educator through guidance from foundations twice a month, 2013 curriculum training and teacher quality improvement seminars, 3) principals control educators by going to the study room during the learning process, checking the attendance of educators through finger print, and learning journals in the classroom, 4 ) the principal uses a questionnaire, then distributed to the students so that the inputs of the educators in carrying out their duties can be known and carried out by the school principal guidance. Keywords: Management, Educators