A descriptive study on local street vendors: a case study in dimapur district nagaland

The term “street vendor” refers to those who are unable to get regular jobs in the formal sector on account of their low level of education and skills. Street vending is an important activity for the urban areas. The study focuses on the street vending of Nagaland State. Nagaland is a mountainous state in northeast India, bordering Myanmar, and it is home to diverse indigenous tribes. It occupies about 70 percent of the total area under cultivation and constitutes about 75 percent of the total food production in the state. In Nagaland majority of the street vendors are women, belonging to diverse tribes and sell a variety of products ranging from vegetables to meat, fast food, handicraft, second-hand clothing, etc., to urban consumers. The study population in Nagaland is around 22.8 lakhs and around 30,000, people are street vendors. Street vending gives platform to earn income to the illiterate, low-class, and unemployed to sustain their life.