Wafer-Scale Growth of One-Dimensional Transition-Metal Telluride Nanowires

The development of bulk synthetic processes to prepare functional nanomaterials is crucial to achieve progress in fundamental and applied science. Transition-metal chalcogenide (TMC) nanowires, which are one-dimensional (1D) structures having three-atom diameters and van der Waals surfaces, have been reported to possess a 1D metallic nature with great potential in electronics and energy devices. However, their mass production remains challenging. Here, a wafer-scale synthesis of highly crystalline transition-metal telluride nanowires is demonstrated by chemical vapor deposition. The present technique enables formation of either aligned, atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) sheets or random networks of three-dimensional (3D) bundles, both composed of individual nanowires. These nanowires exhibit an anisotropic 1D optical response and superior conducting properties. The findings not only shed light on the controlled and large-scale synthesis of conductive thin films but also provide a platform for the study on physics and device applications of nanowire-based 2D and 3D crystals.
Funding Information
  • Murata Science Foundation (H31-068)
  • Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (JPMJCR16F3, JPMJCR17I5)
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (19K22127, 20H02572, 20H05189, JP17H01069, JP18H01832, JP19H02543, JP19K15383, JP19K15393, JP25000003, JP26102012)
  • Japan Keirin Autorace Foundation (2020M-121)