Coffee powder as one of the processed products of the roasting coffee had a weakness that was giving a waste of brewing dreg. One of the efforts which could be done to reduce the brewing dreg was by making the dip coffee. Besides the dip coffee, the herbal coffee products such as the cinnamon was one of the diversification products of the processed coffee to obtain a new aroma and flavour and to obtain the healthy effect. This research aimed to know the dip cinnamon coffee characteristics by the roasting coffee difference level, the cinnamon powder concentration, and the treatment which resulted a good dip cinnamon coffee on its physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics. This research used the Completely Randomized Design which consisted two factors; they were the roasting coffee level (light, medium, dark) and the cinnamon powder concentration (2%, 4%, 6%). Each treatment was used 3 repetitions. The physical and chemical characteristics test and the organoleptic preference were done on the dip cinnamon coffee product. The gained data of this research was calculated and analyzed using ANOVA and descriptive which were described in histogram. The research result showed that the best treatment from the chosen affectivity test result was the dark roasting coffee by 2% of the cinnamon powder concentration which resulted 26.13 of the lightness steeping value, 0.60% of sari content, 34.46 mg GAE/gram of the polyphenol total, 70.34% of antioxidant activity, color preference 7.08 (more prefer), aroma preference 7.04 (more prefer), taste preference 6.56 (less prefer), and whole preference 7 (more prefer).Keywords: Dip coffee; Cinnamon; Roasting level ABSTRAK Kopi bubuk sebagai hasil olahan kopi sangrai memiliki kelemahan yaitu masih meninggalkan ampas hasil penyeduhan. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi ampas hasil penyeduhan diantaranya dengan pembuatan kopi celup. Selain kopi celup, produk kopi herbal seperti penggunaan kayu manis juga merupakan salah satu diversifikasi produk olahan kopi untuk memperoleh aroma dan cita rasa baru serta memperoleh efek kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat kopi kayu manis celup dengan perbedaan tingkat penyangraian kopi dan konsentrasi bubuk kayu manis serta perlakuan yang menghasilkan kopi kayu manis celup dengan sifat fisik, kimia, dan organoleptik yang baik. Penelitian ini dirancang denganmenggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari dua faktor, yaitu tingkat penyangraian kopi (light, medium, dark) dan konsentrasi bubuk kayu manis (2%, 4%, 6%). Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Pengujian karakteristik fisik dan kimia serta kesukaan organoleptik dilakukan terhadap produk kopi kayu manis celup. Data yang didapat dari hasil pengamatan diolah dan dianalisis secara ANOVA dan Deskriptif yang digambarkan dengan histogram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik dari hasil uji efektivitas yang terpilih adalah perlakuan penyangraian kopi dark dengan konsentrasi bubuk kayu manis 2% yang menghasilkan nilai lightness seduhan 26,13, kadar sari 0,60%, total polifenol 34,46 mg GAE/gram, aktivitas antioksidan 70,34%, kesukaan warna 7,08 (agak suka), kesukaan aroma 7,04 (agak suka), kesukaan rasa 6,56 (sedikit suka), dan kesukaan keseluruhan 7 (agak suka).Kata Kunci: kopi celup, kayu manis, tingkat penyangraian