Features of Differential Diagnosis of Breast Implant Rupture and Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

The case report demonstrates the difficulties in the differential diagnosis between cases of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BI-ALCL) and rupture of the breast implant. Such patients examining algorithm should include breast ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, puncture of the breast under sonographic navigation, cytological examination of the obtained fluid. In cases of suspected BI-ALCL a total capsulectomy should be performed during surgery with subsequent histological, immunohistochemical examination of the removed tissue. The low incidence of BI-ALCL should not lead to a lack of caution regarding the verification of this neoplastic process by plastic surgeons and oncologists. If BI-ALCL is suspected, patients should be purposefully examined to confirm or exclude the diagnosis and surgeries are to be performed with the participation of an oncologist-mammologist.