Sheet Metal Forming Optimization Methodology for Servo Press Process Control Improvement

In sheet metal forming manufacturing operations the use of servo presses is gaining more interest due to the opportunity to improve process performance (quality, productivity, cost reduction, etc.). It is not yet clear how to proceed in the engineering process when this type of operating machine is used to achieve the maximum possible potential of this technology. Recently, several press builders have developed gap- and straight-sided metal forming presses adopting the mechanical servo-drive technology. The mechanical servo-drive press offers the flexibility of a hydraulic press with the speed, accuracy and reliability of a mechanical press. Servo drive presses give the opportunity to improve the productivity of process conditions and improve the quality of stamped parts. Forming simulation and numerical optimization can be useful tools to define beforehand the optimal process parameter set-up in terms of servo press downward curve properties. This is done by carrying out a sensitivity analysis of the forming parameters having influence on said curve. The authors have developed a numerical methodology able to analyze the influence factors, for comparison with the degrees of freedom made available by the usage of a servo press, in terms of stroke profile management, to obtain an optimized process parameters combination.