The objective of the research is to determine infidelity and family violence, the method used was descriptive of a quantitative approach, applied type research, with a level of descriptive research, nonexperimental, transactional design. The population was made up of 130,900 thousand family households, and for the collection of information a probabilistic sampling of a stratified type was made of 383 samples from the seven provinces, for which the Infidelity Tendency Questionnaire (T-IFD) was applied. ), aimed at diagnosing emotional problems. The results obtained on the incidence of membership need is 66.34% of people who experience family violence; and as for the incidence of Prejudice in the Apurímac region, it is 67.72%. The incidence on the Lack of Dialogue of the respondents is 71.12% with a tendency to seek new experiences and on the incidence of Search for new experiences, there are 66.58% of the respondents and what the incidence of family violence is at 14.3% at the level of the Apurímac region are observed with a higher incidence of intrafamily violence. Concluding infidelity is high, such as the need for belonging, prejudice and lack of dialogue, and a high percentage that seek new experiences and that somehow affects family violence.