Relevanсe. The novelty of our research lies in the fact that for the first time the allelopathic interaction of eastern galega seeds with a wide range of oilseeds is being studied. The aim of this work is to study the allelopathic effect in the initial stages of plant ontogenesis. The objectives of the study were to identify cultures with a positive and negative impact on the growth and development of sprouts of eastern galega. The objects of research were eastern galega Magister, false saffron Alexandrite, saperda mustard Lux, spring rape Tavrion, hemp Nadezhda, spring cress Iskra, white mustard Lucia, abyssinian colewort Polet, ethiopian niger seed Medea, oil radish Fiolina, damascene fennelflower Yalita, hybrid sunflower P63 LE 10 (XF 3020), winter camelina Baron, spring camelina Velez, oilseed flax Istok. The experiments were carried out in two layouts in 2019–2020 on the basis of a separate division of the Federal research center for fiber crops in the Penza region.Methods. The evaluation of allelopathic activity was carried out using a method that involves the germination of plant seeds, followed by the calculation of the percentage of germination. The number of seeds and seedlings at different stages of ontogenesis was determined along with measuring the length of the root, stem and leaf.Results. At the initial stages of ontogenesis, a weak negative allelopathic effect on the eastern galega is exerted by the abyssinian colewort Polet — the number of fullfledged seedlings was -6,1% to the control. A positive effect on the germination and development of galega seedlings is exerted by damascene fennelflower Yalita (+8,3% to control), ethiopian niger seed Medea (+8,1 to control), oilseed flax Istok (+6,4% to control). In general, the length of the galega seedling was at the level of control with damascene fennelflower and ethiopian niger seed is 3,27 and 3,24 cm (-0,40 and 0,43 cm respectively). A significant decrease is observed in the variants with oilseed flax, spring camelina, winter camelina, spring rape, false saffron, sunflower, saperda mustard, white mustard, hemp, abyssinian colewort and spring cress — from 2,81 to 1,66 cm (-0,86–2,01 cm to control).