Ensemble Learning For Television Program Rating Prediction

Rating is one of the most frequently used metrics in the television industry to evaluate television programs or channels. This research is an attempt to develop a prediction model of television program ratings using rating data gathered from UseeTV (interned-based television service from Telkom Indonesia). The machine learning methods (Random Forest and Extreme Gradient Boosting) were tried out utilizing a set of rating data from 20 television programs collected from January 2018 to August 2019 (train dataset) and evaluated using September 2019 rating data (test dataset). Research results show that Random Forest gives a better result than Extreme Gradient Boosting based on evaluation metrics: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). On the training dataset, prediction using Random Forest produced lower RMSE and MAE scores than Extreme Gradient Boosting in all programs, while on the testing dataset, Random Forest produced lower RMSE and MAE scores in 16 programs compared with Extreme Gradient Boosting. According to MAPE score, Random Forest produced more good quality prediction (4 programs in the training dataset, 16 programs in the testing dataset) than Extreme Gradient Boosting method (1 program in the training dataset, 12 programs in the testing dataset) both in training and testing dataset.