京津冀是我国环境问题最突出的地区之一,近年来环境治理的力度在不断加大。本文基于2006年~2018年的相关统计数据,就京津冀地区环境规制的强度及治理成效,进行比较分析。研究发现,京津冀三个地区的环境规制的强度和环境治理成效有所差异,但是总体上都在向保护环境、提升环境质量的方向发展。河北省在人力资本的利用上缺乏效率,环境质量尚有较大提升空间;北京市和天津市在环保资金的利用率上成效显著,但也存在着环境治理的短板。京津冀三地应本着持续协同治理的理念,改善区域整体环境质量。 The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is one of the most prominent areas of my country’s environmental problems. In recent years, environmental governance has been continuously increasing. Based on relevant statistical data from 2006 to 2018, this article conducts a comparative analysis on the intensity of environmental regulations and governance effects in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The study found that the intensity of environmental regulations and the effectiveness of environ-mental governance in the three regions of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei are different, but they are generally developing in the direction of protecting the environment and improving environmental quality. Hebei Province lacks efficiency in the use of human capital, and there is still room for improvement in environmental quality; Beijing and Tianjin have achieved remarkable results in the utilization of environmental protection funds, but there are also shortcomings in environmental governance. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei should improve the overall environmental quality of the region based on the concept of continuous coordinated governance.