Since the Arab Spring, Yemen became the center of worst humanitarian crisis in modern history. Due to current political turmoil, the ending of civil war is still uncertain. The fundamental causes of the current civil war in Yemen are the failure of the Yemeni government to address and resolve the socioeconomic frustration of ordinary citizens. Political marginalization, social disenfranchisement, economic collapse, and corrupt leaders are few reasons which led to the brutal civil war in Yemen. This systematic failure of government and intervention of regional players for their dominance created political uprising, violence, and institutional collapse. Thousands of civilians have died, millions of people had been displaced and millions are on the brink of starvation. Several solutions were proposed by introducing the federal system, decentralization of state’s power, improving basic infrastructure, negotiations with Houthis but none of these reforms implemented properly. The civil war in Yemen also affected regional players like KSA and Iran due to their intervention and indirectly support to proxies in the region. This conflict will remain a geopolitical front between Iran and Saudi Arabia for a long time. In short, this conflict has also affected the geostrategic interest of international and regional actors as well. The catastrophic situation in Yemen also caused substantial concerns for the International community. Due to the political transitional process and a domestic clash between state’s institutions led to such massive devastating conflict. This political upheaval, chaos, lawlessness, and conflict of interests exacerbated the existing division in this polarized country. International policymaking organizations also strived for establishing political settlements to knock-off Yemen civil war.