The oldest known use of yorı-, which is one of the most used words of Turkish today, is yürü-. It is known that verb yorı- is used both in historical Turkish dialects, in Turkish and living Turkish dialects and regional dialects in the form of yorı-, yörö-, yörü-, yöri-, yöre-, yürü-, yeri-, jürü-, jeri-, cürü-, ceri-, yor-, yör-, yur-, yür-, cür-, jür-… There are also different opinions about the origin of the verb yorı- >...> yürü-. The verb yorı-, the words that make up this derivative and derived from this verb, belong to the own vocabulary of Turkish. These words are not loaned from any other language. The verb yorı- consists of ٭yo- verb root, /-r+/ verb to noun derivational suffix and /+I-/ noun to verb derivational suffix. This article provides detailed information about the structure and origin of the verb yorı- >...> yürü-.