The author has carried out a comparative analysis of the normative provisions of the legislation of Ukraine and some foreign countries on preventive activities, in particular the regulation of tasks to identify the causes and conditions that contributed to the crime during the pre-trial investigation. The annual increase in the number of criminal offenses indicates the need to introduce the institution of preventive activities of investigators and interrogators into the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. The scientific views of scholars have been studied and the own vision of the raised problems has been developed. The issue of the essence of identifying the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of a criminal offense and its normative enshrinement in legislation at some historical stages of the development of our country and the world community has been studied. Based on the analysis of theoretical developments of scholars on criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine and the practice of pre-trial investigation and inquiry of some post-Soviet countries on issues related to the research topic, the author has placed emphasis on the significant shortcomings of legal regulation of preventive activities of investigators and interrogators during the pre-trial investigation. The author has presented own point of view on the preventive activities of investigators and interrogators during the pre-trial investigation as one of the main tasks of such an investigation, in particular to identify the causes and conditions that contributed to criminal offenses and take necessary and effective measures to eliminate them through the appropriate agencies and their chiefs, which is offered to be enshrined in the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine and the departmental regulatory base.