Investigation of crops cultivation systems: A review

In order to optimize the use of moisture, nutrients and solar radiation, and to obtaine suitable yield, seeds must be planted under optimum cultivated systems. Intensive production of field crops practiced until recently to achieve high yields required intensive tillage and application of other high-technology inputs. This concept, however, implies a number of problems, among which relationship between product quality and quantity are in the foreground, along with increase crop production which shows an important ecological sustainability. Above all, farmers approach production in terms of the cost effectiveness of the applied system. In order to compact soil loss and preserve soil moisture, a more attention has been focused on conservative tillage involving soil management practices that minimize the disruption of the soil structure. In addition reduced cultivation is considered to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable than the conventional plough-based system. Cultivated systems specialize in the provision of food, feed, and fiber, often at the expense of other ecosystem. Conservation tillage after wheat and barly harvesting were extended in Iran. Hydroponics is a method of agriculture that grows plants without soil using a mixture of water and nutrient salts, commonly called a nutrient solution. The nutrient solution is fully controllable and can be delivered to plants on an as needed basis. This makes hydroponics capable of high yields while minimizing water and nutrient consumption.